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The appointees to the Canadian Supreme Court are not questioned about their hidden prejudices or vested interests. And they are appointed for life (Until they die or turn 75)

Canadians have no option but to accept the infallibility of Supreme Court justices (appointed until they die or turn 75 years) when these justices privately interpret the Charter of Rights according to their own prejudiced views and make legal decisions accordingly. They have changed and abolished laws made in parliament with their strange legal decisions 58 times since the Charter was written by Mr. Chretien. They have usurped parliament and democracy. No one has ever been allowed to question these appointees about their vested interests. No one knows anything about their hidden prejudices. They appear to be untouchable in their red gowns.

No Canadian Supreme Court justice has ever had to publicly answer a question about his or her special interests. Special interest groups such as the Women's Legal Education and Action Fund ("LEAF"), Disabled Women's Network Canada ("DAWN Canada") and Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton are allowed and listed as interveners in Supreme Court cases.

Q:Could these special interest groups influence the outcome of a Supreme Court case?

Q: Could special interest groups such as the Para-Dice Riders or police associations be allowed as interveners in Supreme Court cases or is this category only confined to feminist groups?

No prime minister of Canada has ever used the notwithstanding clause despite the many off-the-wall legal decisions such as homosexual marriages, kiddie porn, Indians fishing out of season while other Canadians look on. Prime Minister Chretien introduced the notwithstanding clause in parliament himself and called it a safety valve at that time but has never used it.

The following changes are needed quickly if Canada is to avoid going deeper into this socialist/legal basket case:

1. The Charter should be rewritten, corrected or abandoned.

2. Supreme Court justices should be questioned about their special interests before they are allowed to assume office.

3. The prime minister should have to explain in parliament his non use of the notwithstanding clause when the Supreme Court make these off-the-wall decisions.
Only in Canada they say.

These are the folk who have been appointed to the Supreme Court for life (until they are each 75)

Canadians will learn to regret voting the socialist Liberals back into Ottawa.
It could be compared to a Canadian sitting in a canoe and moving downstream. But the sound of a waterfall can be heard.