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Canadian Francophonie phonie stuff

The Francophonie group started in Versailles in 1986 as a movement to arrest the decline of French as an important language. It was a French counterbalance of the Commonwealth summit meetings and games. But nowadays it has evolved into a vast socialist network for developing countries and their protégés. There are fewer French speakers in the world than there are Portuguese speakers in Brazil and there are 12 Francophonie countries that do not have French listed as a language. It is a graphic illustration of the present Liberal government forcing English-speaking Canadians to support their global socialist policies within this so-called French language institution.
The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) tells us that we are part of La Francophonie, a vast network of 51 states and governments that share French as a common language. They seem to have overlooked the Francophonie countries that do not speak French. La Francophonie met in Moncton in 1999 for the eighth Sommet des chefs d'État et de gouvernement des pays ayant le français en partage. They have Francophonie summit meetings and Francophonie games. It gives federal politicians another reason to travel the world as if they needed a reason. Six Francophone Summits have been held:
1987 Quebec
1989 Dakar
1991 Paris
1993 Port Louis
1995 Cotonou in Benin
1997 Hanoi.
1999 Moncton New Brunswick.

Francophonie Games have and will be held:
1989 Morocco
1994 France
1997 Madagascar
2001 Canada – Ottawa Hull area.
2005 Niger

The Francophonie organization now seems to be predominantly African and non-French speaking. Regardless, the Ottawa government loves them all and generously supports them with Canadian taxpayers’ dollars.

African Countries: Burkina Faso, Djibouti, Gabon, Morocco, Rwanda, Burundi, Central African Republic, Guinea, Niger, Togo, Benin, Comoros, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, São Tome and Principe, Tunisia, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Senegal, Chad,

Countries in Francophonie that do not have French listed as a language: Cape Verde, Macedonia, Saint Lucia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, São Tome and Principe, Bulgaria, Equatorial Guinea, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania.
Some 5,000 athletes and officials are expected at the Francophonie Games in Ottawa-Hull next year at a cost of about 40 million Canadian dollars – not counting CIDA expenses. Benoit Hubert, deputy director-general of the organizing committee, told a press conference that all Francophone African countries, except the Democratic Republic of Congo, have confirmed their participation. Hubert also said that the Canadian International Development Agency has decided to pay for the transportation of contingents from the developing countries. That should make the Canadian taxpayers’ feel better and take their minds off that billion national debt.
Government House Leader Donald Boudria went to Quebec City in April 98 and begged for an agreement with Quebec Municipal Affairs Minister Rémy Trudel about these upcoming Francophonie Games because both France and Quebec had voted for these games to go to Beirut and voted against the Ottawa government in Cameroon in January 1997. There was a strong possibility that Quebec would boycott the games even though the federal government (we the taxpayers) would be paying for it. Quebec eventually won an equal partnership in the games although it only cost them million. The feds made a big issue out of this million as if it could compare with the multi millions the Canadian taxpayers would be paying. Don Cherry wrote in the Vancouver Province on March 31, 98 5that Canada will spend million to bring athletes to Canada for the games.

Put Immigration on a Referendum

Canadians are not allowed binding referendums or for that matter any input into government policy. They are not even allowed to vote for their prime minister or a senator. Their MPs are not even allowed to represent their constituents in parliament because of party discipline. That is why seething national issues remain buried for years while the media present Canadians with the constant drip of daily trivia. Canadians cannot change anything unless it is part of the majority party agenda.

There are hundreds of government practices where Canadians have no input. The immigration system is only one of the many thorny issues that Canadians are not allowed to have influence. They are told that it is better to leave these issues to Big Brother. Therefore Canadians in general have no input into the lax Canadian immigration practices. It is a very large industry. Put “Canadian Immigration” into a search engine and hundreds of immigration companies are instantly there.

Add to this problem; the Canadian Charter of Rights, which gives rights to “everyone” in the world and it, appears that “everyone” is now claiming rights in Canada.

Unlike Canadians the Swiss are allowed binding referendums. They got 100,000 signatures on a referendum petition, to put the question on the Sept. 24 ballot whether their constitution should be amended to limit the number of non-Swiss to 18 per cent of the population. According to official data, the number of foreigners in Switzerland - 19.3 per cent - already exceeds the would-be immigrant limit.

Canadians are not allowed the luxury of these referendums.

This process of change is not allowed in Canada.



The Canadian Parliament gave royal assent to Bill C-19 on the last day before the summer break 2000 and Parliament only sat for 90 days the whole year.

Canada is now committed to the International Criminal Court. The Court will be at The Hague, in the Netherlands, but also other venues when appropriate. It will come into formal existence after 60 UN countries ratify the agreement. One hundred and one countries have signed the agreement and 17 have already ratified it – 43 to go. Governments in the ICC are obliged to not only change their laws to coincide with the agreement but to arrest, detain, investigate and transport alleged criminals for the ICC.

The all-powerful judges of the ICC are in many ways like the justices of the Canadian Supreme Court – unquestioned by elected representatives about vested interests and allowed to be accountable to no one. There are no jury trials. This of course will allow rampant favoritism among these politically correct socialists at the UN.

The US refused to sign the ICC agreement and made it quite clear that they objected to it by passing a law that authorized the president to use all means necessary and appropriate to free any United States military personnel held in any country for the ICC. That means Canada.

Although the idea of the ICC may be worthy, Canadians could then find themselves at odds with their close American cousins if the ICC issues an arrest warrant for an American serviceman living in Canada. It will be very interesting to watch the Ottawa Liberals turn in the wind when that happens. George W Bush must be smiling to himself.
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