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Medicare is a social issue. Social issues are supposed to be provincial issues just like education. But in Canada, Ottawa controls medicare through the system of funding or lack of funding. The federal government has behaved as though the money belonged to them and not the taxpayers. Funding for medicare has been cut back to the point where many Canadians have had to seek medical treatment in the U.S.
Canadians want continued accesses to medicare but these are the problems:
1.The federal government would rather give the money through HRDC to more worthy Canadian recipients and through CIDA to foreign Third World dictators or the U.N.
2.Provincial politicians behave as if they were powerless and gutless in front of the Ottawa politicians and bureaucrats.
3.A massive brain drain of professional health care workers to the U.S. where they get paid more in 100% U.S. dollars, not 64-cent Canadian dollars, and taxed less. And now since the Bush election, Americans are going to be taxed even less. Therefore Canada will have an even more acute shortage of medical staff because the brain drain is likely to become a torrent.
4. A medicare system that is overloaded because of the huge influx of incoming refugees all claiming their rights under the Charter of Rights and all claiming medicare for themselves and their extended families. Some of these extended family members are so old that have to go straight into extended care units.
5. The socialists just got reelected in Ottawa in November 2000 so Chretien will do exactly as he pleases for the next four years. God help Canada.
Fix the Charter -- and then fix medicare.


The Revised Canadian Charter of Rights:

We, the sensible people of Canada, in an attempt to curtail isolated arrogant politicians in Ottawa, improve Canada for Canadians, restore a semblance of common justice and control immigration; wish to promote the idea that all Canadians are equal before the law and all major changes to Canadian laws should only be made by Parliament. We wish to promote the idea that all equal Canadians are more important than their governments or their Supreme Court. All previous constitutions, charters, laws, treaties, agreements and courtroom decisions that do not fall within these parameters, that all Canadians are equal, are null and void when this revised Canadian Charter of Rights is declared.

Section 1: Within reasonable limits, Canadians have freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief, opinion, freedom of the press, communications, peaceful assembly, association or the individual wish not to associate.

Section 2: No House of Commons or legislative assembly will sit longer than 4 years unless there is a war, threat of war or insurrection.

Section 3: All votes in Parliament will be free votes, not ruled by the PM or party discipline.

Section 4: Canadians will have the obligation to vote in all federal and provincial elections and in all referenda. Canadians are also obligated to vote for a prime minister.

Section 5: Canadians have the right to own property and not to be deprived of it unless under proper jurisdiction and compensation.

Section 6: A referendum system will operate in Canada and all Canadians will, when there is sufficient interest and a reasonable number of signatures, 500,000, have an obligation to vote in these referenda concerning issues, laws, treaties or constitutional amendments. These issues, laws, treaties or constitutional amendments that do not pass in a referendum will not appear in another referendum for ten years.

Section 7: The present appointed Canadian Senate is cancelled. Two senators will be elected from each province at federal elections. Senators with criminal records will not be allowed to hold office.

Section 8: Election dates will be set by date and not when the PM thinks it is appropriate. Elections will be held on a Monday following the 15 September every 4 years unless the government is defeated in parliament.

Section 9: Parliament will sit at least 7 months within a calendar year, Monday to Thursday except holidays, every year. The list of those present or absent will appear in Hansard and daily on TV while parliament is in session. TV cameras in parliament will pan all of parliament when appropriate and not just those speaking.

Section 10: Canadians will pay down the present national debt to zero and avoid deficits and national debts unless put in the form of a referendum to all Canadians.

Section 11: Canadians politicians and bureaucrats will curtail government paid travels outside the country and the government will curtail spending in and on Third World countries and the U.N. The Minister of Foreign Affairs will report once during each session of Parliament about this agenda.

Section 12: The issue of forced French-English bilingualism and multiculturalism will be a provincial issue and will be put to the people in each province and territory in the form of a referendum.

Section 13: Canadians have the right to travel, stay and work anywhere in Canada.

Section 14: Refugee claimants will be deported as soon as possible and held in custody until then.

Section 15: Persons in Canada with a criminal conviction who are not Canadians will be deported as soon as possible and held in custody until then.

Section 16: The prime minister will make appointments to the Supreme Court but they will be cross-examined by a special Commons Committee in public about their possible hidden baggage and associations before they are allowed to take up their appointments. These appointments will be for 10 years and not until they are 75 years.

Section 17: Decisions made by the Supreme Court will be based on previous case law and common law and not their private interpretations of this Charter.

Section 18: A voting system will be established to assist Canadians vote via the Internet.

Section 19: The Canadian dollar will be pegged to gold, silver or the U.S. dollar.

Section 20: Canadian judges, Canadian armed forces, the RCMP and federal bureaucrats will only be employed in Canada.

Section 21: 50%+1 wins a referendum.

Section 22: Canadian federal politicians will only be allowed to run for office twice in successive elections.

Section 23: If Canadian constituents feel that their politician is not representing them in Parliament, a system to recall to replace that politician should be established.

Canadians hold these corrections are needed and self-evident. Canadians hold that this Charter of Rights and all future amendments will be put in the form of a referendum to all Canadians.

Time to change the Canadian Charter of Rights

The Charter of Rights created a sense of dependency among Canadians. It stipulated that Canadians should depend on the government for rights and unless these rights were written down in the Charter, they had no rights. Canadians did not demand these rights. They did not even ask for them. You might wonder why the government of the day insisted that Canadians should have these rights in writing if they didn’t need them and already had them. Was there more to this Charter than meets the eye?

The Charter reads:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(a) freedom of conscience and religion;
(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.

The “Everyone” in (2) does not mean Canadians. It means “everyone” in the world who can make it to Canada. It now means that as “everyone” in the world arrives in Canada they can claim refugee status and not be questioned about it. They are then entitled to Canadian taxpayer funded welfare and medicare for themselves and their extended families for the remainder of their lives. The Charter therefore saddled Canadians with the responsibility of supporting “everyone” in the world as they arrive in Canada.

There are three types of people who like this: immigration lawyers, government social workers and international socialists. We have them all in abundance. That is why we have “everyone” instead of “every Canadian” in the Charter. They prefer to talk about human rights rather than Canadian rights. It is a euphemism that shrouds the multi million-dollar immigration business, the planning ideas of social engineers and the politics of international socialists.

Sections (d) gives “everyone” the right to associate. Does this mean that “everyone” is compelled to associate? Do people have the right not to associate? Do people have the right not to belong to an association or a union?

And in the true spirit of international socialism, the Charter does not mention the right of Canadians to own property.

International socialists who appoint judges to the supreme court are apt to appoint people who think as they do about international issues rather than Canadian issues. All Canadian prime ministers since Trudeau have been international socialists. They like to impress the world rather than their fellow Canadians. Canadians as a whole do not vote for their prime ministers so there is no need for a prime minister to impress Canadians – only control his party. Mulroney tried to be appointed leader at the United Nations after he left office. Chretien tried to have the UN moved to Montreal, even to take over the US debt to the UN while Canada had (still has) a national debt of billion.

These supreme court judges are charged with interpreting Canadian laws according to their interpretations of the Charter. We have Supreme Court judges who were appointed for life by international socialists interpreting Canadian laws according to an international charter which was written for “everyone” in the world by international socialists. Do they also sing the International?

Democracies that depend on a Charter or a written dogma are less democratic. There is no need for public debate. Decisions are made by appointed-for-life judges and outweigh decisions made by elected parliamentarians. We then get strange decisions about kiddie porn and centuries-old Indian treaties and the definition of spouse. And we have international socialists in Ottawa who refuse to use the notwithstanding clause to control it. Public opinion has no input as we step closer to judicial dictatorship and international socialism.

Unless Canadians change the Charter, this creeping form of international socialism and creeping dictatorship will grow and grow until Canada is no longer recognized as Canada. Blame Canada.

Trudeau’s and Chretien’s Charter of Rights

Canadians are only now beginning to realize that Trudeau’s 1982 Charter of Rights may be flawed. Those who do not realize this, have not read it, or too much barbecue smoke or lawn chemicals may have damaged their brains. Canadians already had all the rights written in the Charter before Trudeau wrote the Charter but the Charter gave these rights to “everyone” in the world. He also made sure that Canadians would pay for these rights when “everyone” in the world arrived in Canada. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it got worse….

In R. v. Askov (1990) (Based on the private interpretation of the Charter) the decision allowed tens of thousands of individuals charged with everything from rape to murder to walk free. In R. v. Egan (1995) the Supreme Court “read in” the phrase “sexual orientation” into the Charter even though Parliament specifically voted to reject the phrase when it passed the Charter. In R. v. Feeney (1997) they allowed an alleged murderer caught red-handed to walk free. These were decisions based on the Supreme Court interpretation of the Charter.

Under normal circumstances, this should have been enough for a country to change the charter. Especially a Charter that was foisted on Canadians without a referendum. Our politicians have had the option to override these Supreme Court decisions but the federal government has never used the notwithstanding clause (Sec. 33). Also unfortunately for Canadians, these silver-spoon socialists who wrote the Charter insisted that it could not be changed unless 7 provinces with 50% of the people + the federal government were in agreement. Therefore it is a foregone conclusion that Canadians are unable to repair the Charter especially as our prime minister was one of the writers and his permission is needed.

Canadians are therefore trapped under a politically correct Charter of Rights written for “everyone” (Section 7 to 15) in the world by Chretien and Trudeau and interpreted by appointed-for-life (until they are 75 or die) justices of the Supreme Court. It is international socialism shrouded in smoke and mirrors by government propaganda, the immigration industry and those with hidden agendas. It is a socialist line drawn in the sand by the Ottawa socialists and if you are not a member of this club and maybe also bilingual, you may suffer from all the western alienation you want but you will never get in.

Canadians have no rights to property. Canadians have no right to be unilingual English speaking (Section 16 – 22) – they will pay for bilingualism whether they like it or not. Canadians have no right to equality. And if Canadians want to learn the other official language, they will pay for that too.
“The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson.

Canadians are not allowed participatory democracy. Canadians are not allowed to vote for their prime minister. He may continue in office for life. There are no term limits in Canada. President Clinton had to leave office but not Prime Minister Chretien. Canadian MPs are not allowed to represent their constituents in Parliament. Canadians are not allowed citizen-initiated referenda. Canadians are not allowed recall of MPs or appointed-for-life senators or even to question Supreme Court judges about their hidden agendas. Canadians are not allowed to have a constitutional conference unless the prime minister approves it.

Canadians are not allowed to think radical thoughts unless the CBC has evaluated them.

Western Canadians are almost completely isolated from the political elites who run this country – with only 40% of the popular vote. This phenomenon has always been a part of the Canadian political experience. Canadians have never had input into the major constitutional affairs of this country.

Canada initially came into being as a British imperial rear-guard action to stop the spread of the American Revolution. This left a large British army in what was then British North America. The British then wrote the British North America Act of 1867. Canadians had no alternatives but to accept it. The learning process started early.

Trudeau’s Charter of 1982 was the next major constitutional change. Canadians as a whole had no input – no referendum. The learning process continued. Quebec was the only province with enough balls not to accept this Charter. Canadians lost equality and rights to property although “everyone” in the world got rights in Canada. Not only did Canadians get shortchanged in the equality rights and property rights of the Charter but also Indians got special rights – Sec 25 and Sec 35. “The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson. Why is the idea of equality, that is accepted by the Americans, not accepted by Canadians? Because Canadians were never given an opportunity to accept it.

Various tribes of Indians are now claiming 110% of British Columbia and the mentally ill federal government has signed the Nisga’a agreement which may not only give British Columbia back to the Indians but also give them an open ended access to millions of taxpayers’ dollars and political independence from Canada – all based on Trudeau’s Charter of 1982. You might wonder how much more Canadians will accept because white Canadians will be second-class citizens without a vote in these new Indian enclaves.

And now, not to be outdone by the mentally ill federal government, the Supreme Court of British Columbia has ratified this Nisga’a agreement. It looks like white Canadians – who’s government just passed a law that they will register all their firearms -- may be the only people in the world who will register their guns, give their country back to the Indians and assign themselves to second class status without a vote.

A Canadian constitution should promote equality and property rights – these are not in Trudeau’s Charter -- and protect Canadians from their own dictatorship-prone politicians.

Only in Canada they say.

Comparisons in “Rights”

The Canadian Charter of Rights needs to be updated. It was based on the United Nations Document: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Article 7 of this UN Declaration states: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

“The most sacred of the duties of a government [is] to do equal and impartial justice to all its citizens." --Thomas Jefferson.

This equality has been conveniently left out of the Canadian Charter of Rights. Part II of the Canadian Charter (also conveniently left out of most web pages) specifically declares that Indians will get special rights because of the Indian treaties. Therefore Canadians are denied equality because of this politically correct section or Indians are not considered Canadian.

Trudeau wrote “Everyone” as written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. He wrote (Sec 2.) that “Everyone” had certain rights. In the Canadian context this means – unlike when it was written in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights -- everyone in the world with their extended families when they arrive in Canada.
This Charter of Rights has become an advertisement for every illegal immigrant and phony refugee in the world. The word “Everyone” should be changed to “Every Canadian”.

Article 17 of the UN Declaration: (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
The Canadian Charter of Rights does not give Canadians the right to own property. This section of the UN Declaration should be added to the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Article 20 of the UN Declaration: (2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association. The Canadian Charter of Rights does not give Canadians the right to refuse association or union dues. This section of the UN Declaration should be added to the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Article 21 of the UN Declaration: (1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country directly or through freely chosen representatives. Canadian “freely chosen representatives” are not allowed to represent their constituents in Parliament because of party discipline. This section should be added to the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Canadians need permission from their prime minister before they can change the Charter. This will not be given from Prime Minister Chretien because he was involved in writing the Charter and has since then refused to use the notwithstanding clause (Sec. 33) to stop weird decisions of the Supreme Court (kiddie porn, homosexual marriages, Indians allowed to fish out of season while other Canadians look on.) based on the weird private interpretations of the Charter. The correcting procedure for the Charter that needs 7 provinces with 50% of the people + the federal government needs to be changed or the Charter could become the chains that bind instead of the rules of organization. The Charter could really define western alienation.

Are Canadians still allowed to think?