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The water going over Niagara Falls on the right could be compared to the vast amount of taxpayers' money being given away every day by both HRDC abd CIDA.

What's In This Site?

This site has a number of articles about Canadian political affairs

(PAGE NAME)........................The articles on that page

(Home Page).......The People Who Do It Have Just Been Reelected
The Auditor General's Report
HRDC and Parliament

(About Page)....... INDEX

(Photo Page).........Photos

(What's New).......Supreme Court of Canada

(Contact Page)...... Web Sites, LEAF

(Favorite Links)...... Links

(Relationship between the Charter and Medicare)..... Charter of Rights, A New Charter for Canadians, Time to Change the Charter, Isolated and Crazy Canadians, A Comparison in Rights

(Custom 2 Page)...... Capital Punishment, More on Charter, HRDC and CIDA,Canadian Political Ethics

(Custom 3 page)...... Odious Debts, Picture of Iris

(Custom 4 page)......Francophonie, Immigration Referendum International Criminal Court

(Photo Page 2).......Communism in the Charter of Rights, Chretien in the Middle East, CIDA.

Political correctness is the trendy new religion of this millennium. And although this new religion does not have a god, it certainly has its own priests and rules and regulations.

Canadians who are insulted by the affirmative action of these socialists may also find ourselves branded as malcontents, mean spirited, uneducated, homophobic, redneck, racist or part of a right wing conspiracy.

Political Correctness is largely undefined but you recognize it when you see it. It is the disguised propaganda that pushes socialist programs for certain groups and minorities. It has infiltrated almost every bureau and office in the Canadian Government. It has evolved into a collection of phantom regulations that have permeated our ideas, thoughts, laws and even the Canadian Charter of Rights.

Left wing socialists love political correctness. They speak of their love for human rights, their version of equality, welfare recipients, visible minorities, multiculturalism, homosexual rights, prisoners’ rights, pedophiles’ rights, feminism and government handouts of taxpayers’ money. The Canadian Charter of Rights is a classic example.
It was not written for Canadians. It was written for “everyone” in the world and it ensured that Canadians would have the right to pay the welfare for “everyone” in the world as soon as they reached Canada. It also ensures that Canadians would not have property rights and would have an extremely difficult time trying to change the Charter. In fact this cannot happen unless the PM agrees. And he wrote it.

Ottawa socialists have ensured that this Charter of Rights is so sacred, that the appointed-for-life Supreme Court will surpass parliament and change Canadian laws accordingly. They have changed 58 Canadian laws according to their individual interpretations of the Charter while elected parliamentarians looked on.

The fact that there are 21 police investigations into the mishandling of taxpayers’ money at HRDC is of no consequence to politically correct politicians. They wish to be judged by their good politically correct intentions -- not by their abnormal handouts of taxpayers’ money, the national debt, the 65-cent dollar, out-of-control immigration or the bottom line. This year of 2000, parliament has only sat 92 days (Count them: http://www.parl.gc.ca/cgi-bin/36/pb_chb_hou_deb.pl?e ) Too many questions about HRDC so lets close shop and have an election. When we come back, we will continue as before. Keep the faith.

And they did come back. And now they are going to continue doing exactly what they were doing before the election. Keep the faith. You’ll need it.

Another James Bredin site